Anahata Mosaic

Now & Yin
with Allie Burghardt

November 22 (Friday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Anahata Mosaic Studio A

Start your day with the invitation of breath and movement to build energy only to then settle into the subtle energetics of the body with yin style poses for the last half of class. This class format offers modifications from start to finish making it accessible for all individuals regardless of your practice or knowledge of yoga.  Participants are encouraged to do what will honor the body, mind, and spirit throughout class. 

Various props will be provided to help individuals gain body awareness, as well as to help support the body to settle into longer pauses as part of the yin and subtle body experience. Props that might be utilized include: yoga straps, chairs, blankets, bolsters, blocks, rollers and other fascial release tools. 

There must be three registered for class to occur. 


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